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viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

my favorite subject

This is Ecology, is a subject of the carrier professional of the medicine veterinary en second semester of the first year, I like very much because this subject can understand all the animals and his habitats, I don’t know much about of the ecology of the animals exotics, that eat, where sleeping, how many years old can it’s live, and much other character of this animals and his ecology.
I think that subject is very interesting because here is speak about different aspect of the ecology of the animals and of different types of animal’s members of king animally, it’s say of insects, birds, fish, dogs, cats, and others.
It’s my favorite subject, the teacher is the best of the school, and really not other subject for my, is the most interesting subject and is the area and want to work in.        
In this area do exist very ONG spend to protect the habitat of the animals wild for the example greenpeace, or agreement for example CITES, is sayed of the ecology is very important area of the work a veterinary to does.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello. Ecology it's a really interesting subject, and it's very useful for the wild life areas. i hope you enjoy the poblation's ecology aplicated module

  2. This is Ecology, is a subject of the SP carrier professional of the WO medicine veterinary en second semester of the first year, I like ^ very much because this subject can understand all the animals and WW his habitats, I don’t know much about of the ecology of the WF WEO animals exotics, WW that WF eat, where ^sleeping, how many years old can it’s live, and WW much other character of this animals and WW his ecology.
    I think that subject is very interesting because here is WW speak about different WF aspect of the ecology of the animals and of different types of animal’s members of king animally, it’s say of insects, birds, fish, dogs, cats, and others.
    It’s my favorite subject, the teacher is the best of the school, and really not other subject for WF my, is the most interesting subject and is the area and want to work in.
    In this area do exist very SPANISH ONG spend to protect the habitat of the animals wild for the example greenpeace, or agreement for example CITES, is SP sayed of the ecology is very important area of the work a veterinary WW to does.

    good so you could work on this?
