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viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

what have and what think sutdy ?, because...

I go in to veterinary medicine because, my life was surround beetwen of pets from little, my father from very boys wanted that I and my sisters living with the company of animals because of it when he manages to be an adult not wanted to lose this link formed from small with the animals and he was thinking that can to return part of the fondness that so much years offered these alive beings to also of the knowledge of the sciences of the health and animal well-being, so decided for sciences veterinary in the university of Chile but not only because it's the best of university of the country, besides this university have a role in the society that for my is very important, and helpme to he's grown a lot in the aspect, to meeting much people new and different to my in all aspect, for example in the thought political or the football soccer like, or much other. I 'm a grateful of stay in this place whit this togheter university and this friends.

1 comentario:

  1. I SP go in to veterinary medicine because, my life was WF surround WW beetwen of pets from little, my father from very boys wanted that I and my sisters TENSE living with the company of animals because of it when he manages to be an adult ^not wanted to lose this link formed from small with the animals and he was thinking that can to return part of the fondness that so much years offered these alive beings to also of the knowledge of the sciences of the health and animal well-being, so ^decided for sciences veterinary in the university of Chile but not only because it's the best of university of the country, besides this university SVA have a role in the society that for my is very important, and helpme to he's grown a lot in the aspect, to meeting much people new and different to my in all aspect, for example in the WO thought political or the WW football soccer like, or much other. I 'm a grateful of stay in this place SP whit this togheter university and WF this friends.

    good! remember that sentences are muchshorter in English. ok? please have a look to the connectors we checked in the past
