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viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

my favorite subject

This is Ecology, is a subject of the carrier professional of the medicine veterinary en second semester of the first year, I like very much because this subject can understand all the animals and his habitats, I don’t know much about of the ecology of the animals exotics, that eat, where sleeping, how many years old can it’s live, and much other character of this animals and his ecology.
I think that subject is very interesting because here is speak about different aspect of the ecology of the animals and of different types of animal’s members of king animally, it’s say of insects, birds, fish, dogs, cats, and others.
It’s my favorite subject, the teacher is the best of the school, and really not other subject for my, is the most interesting subject and is the area and want to work in.        
In this area do exist very ONG spend to protect the habitat of the animals wild for the example greenpeace, or agreement for example CITES, is sayed of the ecology is very important area of the work a veterinary to does.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Mahatma Gandhi the best pacifist

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born in Porbandar a 2 de octubre de 1869 and death in Nueva Delhi, your name is the compound that is majā ‘big’ y ātmā ‘soul. His battles was always, the freedom , the peace and the will of the people, but never use as a means of fight the violence, think that whit his example can change the world or that can speak and reason whit the peoples for to finish to wars and the injustices. 30th  janury 1948 in the India, He was a layer, thinker and political indian.your name (mahatma) is compound name, to mean
he won of the prize nobel of the peace but no hading.
Gandhi first employed civil disobedience while an expatriate lawyer in South Africa, during the resident Indian community's struggle for civil rights. After his return to India in 1915, he organized protests by peasants, farmers, and urban laborers concerning excessive land-tax and discrimination. After assuming leadership of the Indian National Congress in 1921, Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, build religious and ethnic amity, end untouchabilit, and increase economic self-reliance. Above all, he aimed to achieve Swaraj or the independence of India from foreign domination. Gandhi famously led his followers in the Non-cooperation movement that protested the British-imposed salt tax with the 400 km (240 mi ) Dandi Salt March in 1930. He launched theQuit India Movement in 1942, demanding immediate independence for India. Gandhi spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

what have and what think sutdy ?, because...

I go in to veterinary medicine because, my life was surround beetwen of pets from little, my father from very boys wanted that I and my sisters living with the company of animals because of it when he manages to be an adult not wanted to lose this link formed from small with the animals and he was thinking that can to return part of the fondness that so much years offered these alive beings to also of the knowledge of the sciences of the health and animal well-being, so decided for sciences veterinary in the university of Chile but not only because it's the best of university of the country, besides this university have a role in the society that for my is very important, and helpme to he's grown a lot in the aspect, to meeting much people new and different to my in all aspect, for example in the thought political or the football soccer like, or much other. I 'm a grateful of stay in this place whit this togheter university and this friends.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

it's my description and a historythe living room

Hello, my name is Diego but everyones calls me last name barraza, i don't know why actually... so, i´m from Santiago de Chile, specifically from the flower. I'm a very friendy person, easygoing and sportman.  I´m a university student, i study veterinary medicine in the University of Chile. I love animals and live in the nature. Now here come a history very interesting... being where it is possible to spend a good moment, but as since I see it it is many mas that it in this place there can spend to him unforgettable, united moments with the friends there arm themselves histories of wonderful stories, the time demolishes when we are united, everything what can do to him with those women that they look like sisters, with those friends who seem to be your same in another body, in short it calls to live...